Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lush Lake Life

Lush Lake Life:
Lake Hawkins
Wood County TX
July 2009


Life's a Beach! said...

Now that does look like a lush life!

Scottozoid said...

I hope this doesn't seem cruel to someone living in the Sonoran Desert (Phoenix AZ) but this is the "new" family compound my bro & sis-in-law recently acquired on Lake Hawkins, about 90 mile east of Dallas in the Piney Woods of East Texas

Three bedrooms, two baths, and my brother refers to the bedroom I sleep in there as "your bedroom" so life is pretty lush!

The boat, dock and boat house are part of the deal too, my dear sister in law bought the boat on EBay!

(I told my brother: your wife bought you a boat on EBay? Do you realize this is every man's dream? LOL)

More photos to come no doubt...